Testimonials from AMST 6500 and GRAD 7590

“I thoroughly enjoyed this course. Expectations were clear, assignments were manageable and enjoyable, but the discussion was the best part. The instructor facilitated an easygoing free-form flow of discussion, which was stimulating and very interesting in every class. I also enjoyed the readings and presentations from digital humanities specialists. This course felt very accessible overall, but it also allowed me to explore different tools in a safe, non-judgmental space which made me reconsider the use of digital tools in my praxis.” – GRAD 7590 Student

“This course is awesome!  We are the lucky ones!” – GRAD 7590 Student

“I am going to have my own class use Roomful at the end of this semester.  Thanks for incorporating all of these cool softwares!” -- GRAD 7590 Student

“I just wanted to let you know that the digital pedagogies project I did with my English preservice teachers went AMAZINGLY.  Last night I hosted our last class at my home and everyone set up their Roomful exhibits and we went around and looked at everyone's.  The conversations that were generated were so great, and they kept saying, "This is so fun!" as they looked at their colleagues' work.  Everyone was having conversations about books and literacy and it was really one of my favorite moments as an educator, of which there are many.” --GRAD 7590 Student

“I would be remiss if I did not say thank you for going over Roomful in class this past week.   While I know there remains much that I need to learn, and do, your presentation and how you went through everything really made the platform seem much more approachable, and less intimidating.” -- GRAD 7590 Student

I wanted to thank you again for sharing your … digital story … you really inspired me.”  – AMST 6500 Student

I really enjoyed the digital story assignment. --AMST 6500 Student

Great job! -- AMST 6500 Student

Dr. Whaley’s construction of the class clearly illustrated her extensive content knowledge. She provided great feedback and extensive bibliographic entries for expanded points of study. -- AMST 6500

Thank you Dr. Whaley for your hard work, guidance and dedication to the students. -- AMST 6500 Student

“Dear Deborah,

One of your students described your classes as healing the other day. I wanted you to know that. I thought that was the highest compliment a professor could receive.” – Faculty Colleague Email re: AMST 6500 and GRAD 7590
